How To Make Italian Meatballs Trifecta

Looking for a great How To Make Italian Meatballs Trifecta recipe? Well the Bald Chef will show you how using to make Italian meatballs Trifecta style with pork, veal and beef. This meatball recipe is the only way to go if you want to make world class meatballs. How To Make Italian Meatballs Trifecta video shows anyone how to cook a great meatball. These meatballs are great for a traditional Sicilian spaghetti and meatball with homemade marinara sauce. Who does not like Italian meatballs; they go great on spaghetti or a nice big Italian meatball sub. Instead of just making your meatballs with plain beef the addition of veal, and pork give this recipe a much better taste. Please try this meatball recipe

I used to broil my meatballs before I added them to my sauce. Just adding the raw veal, beef, and pork recipe into the sauce keeps them very tender. Just drain of thefat from your sauce before serving your meatballs on any type of pasta! This recipe for Italian meatballs may be one of the best you will find. Try the recipe I guarantee you will love it!

Ingredients To Make Italian Meatballs Trifecta

These are the ingredients needed to cook the best Italian Meatballs you ever tasted :

How To Cook Italian Meatballs Recipe

In a cuisinart mix the,1 pound of ground beef,1 pound of ground pork, 1 pound of ground veal, 1 egg, and 1/4 cup Italian bread crumbs. Add the 4 tablespoons Italian pesto, and the 1/2 tablespoons crushed Italian red pepper. Form the Italian Meatballs into a nice round shape and drop into your pasta sauce and cook for 1 hour.

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