The Best Italian Lasagna Recipe

The Best Italian Lasagna Recipe will show you how to make the Best Italian Lasagna you ever tasted.The Best Italian Lasagna Recipe shows you how to make great Lasagna step by step. The recipe for Lasagna is one of the most requested Italian recipes on the internet by foodie all over the world. Lasagna comes from the Latin word Lasania meaning cooking pot. This Italian Lasagna is a baked Pasta recipe and is very easy to bake an prepare.

The Bald Chef takes your average Lasagna recipe to a whole new level by adding the best Ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese, and spicy Italian sauce. After your Lasagna is baked top with more sauce and a little Parmesan cheese for a real treat.

Ingredients For Italian Lasagna

These are the ingredients you will need to make realItalian Lasagna :

Instructions For Making Italian Lasagna

To make and bake some of the best Italian lasagna you’ve ever tasted follow this recipe and you will find the results to be very tasty. To start preparing your lasagna you must first cook the Italian lasagna noodles. Don’t use the precooked lasagna noodles go with the Italian brand standard Italian noodle. In a large stock pot add 2 quarts of water, a pinch of salt, and little extra virgin olive oil. Bring the water to a rapid boil and cook the lasagna noodles to the manufacturers specifications. Promptly remove the lasagna noodles and drain them over cold water to stop the cooking process, set them aside. Prepare your meat tomato sauce from scratch, you will find that I have a very good recipe on my site for an Italian tomato meat sauce that would work incredibly well for this recipe. Set your cheese up in a bowl, I like to use mozzarella cheese, I guess that gives the lasagna that stringy look when you bite into it. Use a good quality Ricotta Cheese. Now that all your ingredients have been set up, preheat your oven to 375°. In a Pyrex baking dish 9″ x 13″ place some of the tomato sauce on the bottom of the baking dish. After the tomato sauce has been thoroughly spread to cover the base of the dish start layering the cooked lasagna noodles in an organized fashion on to the baking dish. Alternate noodles, mozzarella cheese, meat sauce, and ricotta cheese until you have built a layered lasagna. Top the lasagna with an extra amount of mozzarella cheese and Parmesan cheese with some finely chopped parsley. Cover this is the lasagna pan with aluminum foil and place into the 375 ° oven. Cook lasagna for 30 minutes and until the cheese is thoroughly melted. Remove the lasagna from the oven and let it rest for 20 minutes before attempting to cut the lasagna and the proportion sized servings. I like to serve my lasagna with a side of extra sauce.

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